Reliable Potting Soil Mix You Can Make Yourself

Reliable Potting Soil Mix You Can Make Yourself

fresh soil with new plants

Make your own soil mix at home for growing your herbs and vegetables.

Reliable Potting Soil Mix You Can Make Yourself. Easy printout recipe to help you make your own soil mix from scratch! If you want to save some money it is worth checking out this post!

Tips to Help You Mix Potting Soil Yourself

  • Before using any homemade mixed potting soils. Understand what your plant needs for nutrition. You need to know the heavy feeders (like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants,) vs the light feeders (like beans, lettuce, root vegetables).
  • One rule of thumb is to add one part peat, one part perlite or sand, and then one part compost.
  • Pre treat your soil with some fertilizers that your plants may require.
  • The texture should not be sticky, if it is add some more sand or perlite.
  • If the texture is gritty or too sandy you need to add more peat moss or coir.
soil in a box with a small hand shovel
Credit to Walkersalmanac

The Ingredients in DIY Potting Soil Mixes

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  • Compost or Well-Rotted Manure- Learn how to make your own compost here. Manure is made up of chicken, cow, or horse manure. If the compost is not available for you to use.
  • Peat Moss or Coco Peat- if you need to balance the PH you can add a 1/4 tsp of lemon or lime juice to the peat moss. Although using Coco Peat is less harmful to the environment. Peat moss is more acidic.
  • Some Alternatives can include Composted Wood fiber. Natural not treated. Non-Climbing, mineral-based cat litter, and Leaf mold are other great alternatives.
  • Vermiculite or Perlite– Improves drainage and controls temperature fluctuations. An alternative to this is using sand.

Reliable Potting Soil Mix You Can Make Yourself Printable Recipe

Reliable Potting Soil Mixes You Can Make Yourself

Recipe by Our Busy BeeCourse: MainCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy
Prep time


Time to Make



Potting Mix For Growing Vegetables


  • 2 Five Gallon Buckets of Peat Moss or Coconut Coir

  • 1 Five Gallon Bucket of Compost or Manure

  • 1/2 Cup of Gardening Lime

  • 1 Five Gallon Bucket of Sand or Perlite

  • 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salt

  • Mixing Barrel or bin you can mix everything


  • Add the peat moss or coconut coir and break up any lumps
  • Add the Manure or homemade compost. ( You can use worm casting instead)
  • Add the sand and give it a good mix
  • Use the lime if your soil is too acidic.
  • Add your Epson Salts. Mix and your ready to go

Recipe Video


  • For Seedlings Use One Part Peat Moss, One Part Sand, and One Part Compost or manure but it is optional.
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